Back Pain is so individual and it is relative to the level of pain tolerance of the individual. M.D.'s will prescribe some exercises maybe and pain relieving medications. Those medications are now showing to actually enhance the degeneration at the joints. Latest research is now showing even in cases of arthritis, that taking NSAIDS (Non-Steroid Anti-inflamitory Drugs) is actually causing arthritis to get worse.
Discectomy and "Failed Back Surgery Syndrom"
This is a case of attempting to relieve pain in the back or neck via cutting off the protruding disc. As in later blogs you will read, I'm not a big fan. Discectomy / Laminectomy are both procedures of temporary relief, and potentially enhanced issues over a very short period of time.
Fusion is considered the Gold Standard only because it has been around for a very long time. A friend once quoted to me, "The body is the only machine that degenerates more without use." How true! So think about a fusion. This is going to completely stop movement at a level(s) of the spine. What happens now? The body has to compensate and thus causes undue stress on adjacent levels and stress that the body was not designed for.
Yesterday I spoke with a 27 year old man that has excessive lower back pain. He has quit working out in order to preserve the rest of his back, but mainly because it hurts so much to do anything.
So what do you do?
1) A recommendation is seeing a Chiropractor that also does Acupuncture. This could help reduce pressure on nerves and reduce pain without NSAIDS and surgical intervention, at least to a certain level of relief.
2) Stay as active as possible. Moving is always going to be better than sitting! The healthier an individual the better the bodies recovery mechanisms.
3) Chronic pain beyond these measures may mean it is time to look into ADR surgery (Artificial Disc Replacement). This means having a new prothesis placed in the spine at the level(s) of degeneration in order to restore the movement of the spine and the individual as well as relieve compression on nerves related to a collapsed spinal disc. Such procedures are not covered by many insurance companies. However, who are you going to let tell you what you should do with your body? The insurance company or you?
We have come to a time now that many are going overseas in order to achieve more advanced treatments. My Spine Solution is here to help those in a state of chronic back pain find that very solution at a reasonable cost and most importantly achieve a life without pain and suffering, without NSAIDS, or other strong narcotic drugs, a life of living again with freedom of movement and enjoyment.
If you or someone you know is suffering, take the first step in contacting us to learn more about our Artificial Disk Replacement techniques and superior standards in treatment. Together with ONZ, My Spine Solution is helping a growing population of back pain sufferers achieve happiness once again.
Pain is like a cancer, it affects all aspects of an individual. Once pain is removed from the body the body and the mind can return to a state of homeostasis once again!
In better health ~ My Spine Solution
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