After speaking at length with another past patient that attended the same hospital in Germany that I did for my cervical M6 artificial disk replacement, I just had to share why we started up German Spine Specialists.

German Spine Specialists is about helping people realize a better life without medications, pain killers, and be able to move normally again.
On our team of spine liaisons we have:
• Kelli – a Crossfit and Kettlebell Gym owner turned Chiropractic student
• Judy – a yoga instructor and fitness guru
• Kris – a yoga instructor and nutritionist
• Ken – a fire chief and inspector
All of our team members have suffered extensively to the point of thinking life as they knew it was OVER! After meeting Malte Petersen, we ALL got our lives back fully, and again achieved a life pain free, able to do all the physical things we were used to and thought we would never be able to do again. Myself, I literally woke up the next morning from surgery and cried because it was a miracle! I could use my left arm again. I could hold a whole pot of coffee and pour it with my left hand that prior to surgery could not hold a pen anymore, let alone be able to workout like I used to. I instantly no longer had nerve pain and tingling traveling through my body.
We also all noticed the need for a hospital that had better on the spot treatment, more doctors and staff available 24/7, and full emergency care in cases with more complications. The prior hospital just did not have those capabilities, and in order to treat even those in the worst condition, we need to find a better state of the art facility. Kris in fact had complications that are a driving force in our decisions to select a better hospital. And even though she had complications, she like all of us never looked back. We are all so amazed with the M6, we want the world to know!
Enter ONZ and Dr. Bierstedt.
This is it! Our team could not be happier. Dr. Bierstedt has an impecible track record. No failed surgeries, great attention to detail and still conservative enough to not recommend any more than what is truly best for each patient.
Denver, Colorado – Doctor Days
Fargo, North Dakota – Doctor Days
Our team along with the doctor from Germany will be coming to Fargo - July 20-22
and Denver - August 24-26
Free readings of MRI's and X-rays for those with scheduled bookings!
BOOK NOW for best times!
This is a free eval, and a meet the surgeon, ask questions, learn what possibilities await.
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