Monday, June 25, 2012

What is "Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery"?

There are many companies promoting "Minimally invasive spine surgery".

What is it and why shouldn't you do it?

What is it:
Often referred to as a Laminectomy and Diskectomy, this is a procedure of microscopic proportions to cut off the part of the vertebral disk that is bulging into the spinal cord. This WILL relieve temporary pressure (maybe for as long as 18 months, or only a couple). It is referred to an "Invasive" because they don't have to go through all the muscles, organs, etc to get to the spine and they do not remove the disc entirely.

Why wouldn't you do it if you are in pain?
  1. It is a temporary fix... think duct tape to hold the bumper on your car until it becomes a real problem.
  2. It costs money! AND when you have to go back in for a fusion or (please don't do this - another laminectomy/diskectomy) the distance between your vertebra is continuing to diminish. IF the disc completely collapses the body will start to "self-fuse". (What is wrong with that... the nerves in that area will become crushed and stop sending signals to the body parts associated.) Guess what all these extra procedures cost MORE MONEY!
  3. Another way to think about it is like a band-aid on a serious wound. Would you use a band-aid if you nearly severed your hand from your arm? Of course not! You would go to an excellent hand surgeon to get it repaired and stitched back properly. Same with these procedures we are talking about. Don't tamper with your nerves (HELLO they DO NOT GROW BACK! Damage is permanent if left untreated!)
  4. Time spent injured, drugs taking their toll on you mentally and physically, pain prevents you from living, and all of this is fueled by (OMG I am going to say it... drug and medical companies and medical insurance companies, as well as another Federal company with three letters... F - D - A)
STOP the madness!
Get Proper treatment
Stop living in pain and JUST SAY NO to drugs!
Say NO to PAIN!

Say YES to getting your life BACK!

This is what our  a.k.a. is all about!

In other words, getting the right procedure with cutting edge technology that the FDA is preventing you from having, and getting yourself off the pain killer drug train that keeps the FDA funded! 

Not to mention getting back to working out, riding horses, hiking, biking, WALKING without PAIN!

You OWE it to yourself –


Sunday, June 24, 2012

NO we are NOT Stenum

It is true and we are proud of it... We are not Stenum Hospital in Germany.

There seems to be a representative from Stenum that just really felt the need to point out to all past patients that we are not promoting Stenum. 

Okay, secrets out! 
Oh, that's right, it was not a secret!

We just chose not to pursue bad press by posting evil things against another. Not that we couldn't if we wanted to, and have valid things to say. There is much better and productive things we would rather promote, such as how we can help others better than any other hospital in Germany. And we hold ourselves to a higher standard.

So, YES, for the record, the German Spine Specialists team is a completely separate entity. 

One which truly has the best interest of each an every patient concerned.
One which has a doctor dedicated to each and every patient.
One which chooses to only do surgeries that are imperative and specific to the patients needs.

One which has a 24/7 staff of emergency care and doctors available.
One which has a group dedicated to sharing the word and not just padding their pocket books.
One that does not have failed surgeries with forums out there talking badly about us.

Yes, it is true. That is who we are.
 And we are proud of it!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Best Hospital for M6 Disk Replacement

After speaking at length with another past patient that attended the same hospital in Germany that I did for my cervical M6 artificial disk replacement, I just had to share why we started up German Spine Specialists.

Our team has come together with the one and Only Malte Petersen as our Patient Care and Concern Manager. Malte has been helping patients from other countries find better solutions to spine fusions for nearly 20 years. Avoid fusion and gain life back with ADR (artificial disk replacement). We among many think the world of Malte. His passion and drive is to help as many as possible achieve a life pain free!

German Spine Specialists is about helping people realize a better life without medications, pain killers, and be able to move normally again. 

On our team of spine liaisons we have:
              •  Kelli – a Crossfit and Kettlebell Gym owner turned Chiropractic student
              •  Judy – a yoga instructor and fitness guru
              •  Kris – a yoga instructor and nutritionist
              •  Ken – a fire chief and inspector

All of our team members have suffered extensively to the point of thinking life as they knew it was OVER!  After meeting Malte Petersen, we ALL got our lives back fully, and again achieved a life pain free, able to do all the physical things we were used to and thought we would never be able to do again. Myself, I literally woke up the next morning from surgery and cried because it was a miracle! I could use my left arm again. I could hold a whole pot of coffee and pour it with my left hand that prior to surgery could not hold a pen anymore, let alone be able to workout like I used to. I instantly no longer had nerve pain and tingling traveling through my body.

We also all noticed the need for a hospital that had better on the spot treatment, more doctors and staff available 24/7, and full emergency care in cases with more complications. The prior hospital just did not have those capabilities, and in order to treat even those in the worst condition, we need to find a better state of the art facility. Kris in fact had complications that are a driving force in our decisions to select a better hospital. And even though she had complications, she like all of us never looked back. We are all so amazed with the M6, we want the world to know!

Enter ONZ and Dr. Bierstedt.

This is it! Our team could not be happier. Dr. Bierstedt has an impecible track record. No failed surgeries, great attention to detail and still conservative enough to not recommend any more than what is truly best for each patient.

Denver, Colorado – Doctor Days
Fargo, North Dakota – Doctor Days

Our team along with the doctor from Germany will be coming to Fargo - July 20-22
and Denver - August 24-26

Free readings of MRI's and X-rays for those with scheduled bookings!
BOOK NOW for best times!

This is a free eval, and a meet the surgeon, ask questions, learn what possibilities await.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

NO COST Spine Evaluations July & August

July 20-22 – Fargo, North Dakota
August 24-26 – Denver, Colorado

German Spine Specialists are coming to review in a One-on-One format 
with patients interested in advanced treatment with the M6 Cervical and M6 Lumbar Artificial Disk (ADR).

There is LIMITED APPOINTMENTS Available and it will be on a First Booked Basis.

If you or someone you know has sever back pain, degenerative disk disease, herniations, has tried other less evasive procedures only to return to pain, does not want a fusion or "another" fusion, this is something YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS!

Go To the German Spine Specialists web site NOW to contact a Patient Care Liaison for scheduling your appointment to meet with the Doctor One-on-One, have your recent MRI's and X-rays reviewed and learn if you are a candidate for artificial disk replacement.
(MRI's and X-rays must be 6-months or newer)

Get your appointment scheduled NOW
and get your flight if needed.

Your entire itinerary will be sent to you upon scheduling.
You will have the option to fly in, take a shuttle to your appointment, and fly back out the same day if you book early!

Why waste another moment in pain and suffering when there are possibilities available!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

NOTICE: Change of EVENTS!!!

Due to extended interest and availability NEW DATES for DOCTOR Visitation DAYS!


July 20-22  =  Doctor Days in Fargo, North Dakota

August 24-26 = Doctor Days in DENVER, Colorado

                         Denver Days have been changed based on demand.


      1st = Contact a Ken or Kelli at German Spine Specialists 
                to schedule YOUR TIME with the doctor.
                  This is YOUR ONE-ON-ONE with the German Doctor to discuss your case.

                   You MUST have CURRENT (with-in 6-months) MRI's and X-rays.
                   This is so we can see current degeneration.
                   PLUS your patient data sheet completed. See web site for "am I a candidate"
     Once you have your time slot to meet the doctor book your flight!

     You will be scheduled in 20 minute visitations with the doctor (have your questions ready!)
     We select locations close to the airport with shuttle service so you can avoid extra costs if flying.

For more information contact Ken or Kelli!!!!

You Don't want to miss out by being put on the waiting/no-show list.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Why can't I get an M6 in the U.S.?

I get these questions often, and I asked many of them myself before making my decision to get the best that I possibly could since this is my life and I have to keep living it in this body. I flew to Germany to have my M6 disk replacement about 9 months ago.  NOT ONCE have I ever looked back!!!! INCREDIBLE that I got my life back! To follow are answers to many of the questions you too may have.

WHY can't I get an M6 disk replacement in the U.S.?

Because the FDA has a lot of policies and people funding those policies and the M6 will not be approved for at least another 5 or 6 years to be a procedure available int the U.S.

Can you wait that long? How much living will you miss out on?

What about Canada?

Well Canada follows suit with the U.S. and the FDA, so the M6 will no sooner be available in Canada until it is in the states.

Why would I go to Germany for surgery? 

Germany has always been at the forefront of medical advancements.
The care in Germany is Government funded. Unlike in the states, it is insurance and pharmaceutical company funded. Canada waits for the U.S. to approve medical advancements. The U.S. waits for studies from other countries (for years of studies) before approving all kinds of treatment advancements. Many of the rich, famous have been going to Europe for all kinds of treatment for years! All in search of the best... the best of which is still not available here.

My doctor says a fusion is the "gold standard" and I will be just fine, why spend money to go to Germany?

Gold standard is what they call it... I think only because it has been around so long. They could call it the Frankenstein standard for that matter, you will wind up with a plate and screws in your neck to keep your neck in a very stiff position that will create the domino effect causing the disks above and below the fusion undue stress and after 6,8,12, maybe even 18 months you will be back in for another one.... Frankenstein standard... just don't get caught out in a lightening storm!

The other reason your doctor may not tell you to come to Germany may be because that's money they won't earn, and future money as well...
Or maybe they are not versed on what the M6 is, they don't attend the bi-annual spinal conferences held in Chicago twice a year.
Or maybe he thinks as my doctor told me, "well, lets do the fusion now, and in 4-5 years when the M6 is approved then we can use that for the herniations above and/or below in your neck."  - I almost flew off the handle when he said that!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!

My insurance may not cover the surgery in Germany, but it will cover a fusion. What should I do?

Well, here is how I looked at it:
     1) does the insurance company really have my best interests at heart?
     2) do they care if I am back in for another fusion in a year or two?
     3) will they just raise my rates to make up for money put out?
     4) have you considered fund raisers? Ken in Canada helps many put those together.
     5) how about part of your retirement? Can't enjoy retirement being in pain can you?
     6) be creative! If there is a will there is a way! THIS IS YOUR LIFE and YOUR BODY!

This may not have been your fault. Most likely it is not. Why suffer another day, or worse get a diskectomy or laminectomy (a.k.a. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery) that may relieve you for 6-12 months before the disk continues to push out and you are back in? Don't do a fusion!!!! That is honestly your last resort. You will be back in for another or you will suffer as much if not more. You will look back at things you used to enjoy as "Oh, I just can't do that anymore."

What if the day after surgery you could hold a whole pot of coffee and pour it without dropping it or spilling a drop? What if you could walk further than you have walked in years just 3-4 days after surgery? What if you could travel and sight see days after surgery? What if in 3 months post surgery you could do nearly EVERYTHING you ever dreamed of again?

   • skydiving, snowboarding, horseback riding...

The choice really is yours! Stop making excuses and LIVE YOUR LIFE AGAIN!

In all honesty, I thought my life was so over I was almost suicidal. I was watching everything I loved to do diminish before my eyes. What it does to one mentally is almost worse than what it does physically. Be the next success story in your world to tell all of your friends and family how happy you are to be LIVING AGAIN!!!!

Go NOW TO THE WEB SITE and contact Ken or Kelli and start learning more!