Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Look and updates

We have a new look with added videos from our surgeons at ONZ. 

Videos of Dr. Bierstedt and Dr. Illerhaus - 2 of my favorite people ~ saving one patients motion preservation at a time!

The look of our site is now very similar in color and feel of   – because we are one and the same. Why both sites? We started out as German Spine Specialists because that is what we are Specialists in Germany working on the Spine. Then we added the My Spine Solution site, for those that automatically were not interested in traveling for surgery. The reason for this was because it is SO IMPORTANT to let people know they do NOT have to settle for a fusion. That they CAN enjoy life again with a motion preservation solution (ADR = Artificial Disc Replacement).

Take a gander at out site. 
Call a liaison if you have questions or concerns. We are past patients now living happily again. We have been to the edge of what we thought we could tolerate, almost give up and yet we fought to not have a fusion. Where there is a will there is a way, and we are helping open the gate so that you may find the same way we did.

The world needs to know there are amazing possibilities for help and relief from spine pain. There are options! 

~ Thank you for taking time to learn what is available.